Take In All The Juiciness Life Has to Offer


This is why you’ll never be successful enough

This is why you’ll never be successful enough

This is why you’ll never be successful enough

Our worst fears in life-

  • Not successful enough
  • Not good enough
  • Not happy enough
  • Not being enough

Was there ever a moment you felt successful, good, happy or just simply enough?

Chances are you have.

But it probably left in a flash, and only left you feeling doubtful of your true worth.

You’ve either jumped from one goal to another, one achievement to the next.

Or you’ve set your bar up so high, you sometimes even wonder if that day of celebration will ever come.

The race just never seems to end.

Some days you just want to sit down and take a breather, think about life and enjoy yourself

But it doesn’t take long for that inner voice to kick in and whisper the same old sweet nothing in your ears

“You’re falling behind. Look at John, he’s built a million dollar company in two years. Look at Michelle, she made partner at the firm she started at not long ago”

So you haul your “lazy” ass up and get back to work

The motivation isn’t always there, the energy’s not always there, but you keep telling yourself "if I can just push through and hit this year’s target, I will be successful"

End of the year rolls around, you double the target!

Huge celebration 🍾  with friends and clients

You’re loving life. “I made it” you think to yourself.

You wake up the next day, finally feeling truly accomplished. You’re riding the high and loving every moment of it

The same evening, as you sit down to unwind, you come across your old university friend’s new photo on Instagram announcing that she just made it on the cover of Forbes and sold her start-up to one of the largest tech companies in the world

All the success and accomplishments you just felt and celebrated left the house.

All of a sudden your achievements seem minuscule, your goals feel amateur

The gratitude and confidence you had no longer felt unconditional.

We've all experienced this, on a smaller or larger scale.

We compare, judge, and criticize the "could've, would've beens", the "not good enoughs", and "didn't try hard enoughs"

You've been negative criticism and self- judgment the power to control the value of your success and your emotions.

You've allowed it to beat you from behind when you lacked motivation.

But you see, when judgment is in the driver's seat and has full control over you, you will NEVER be

  • Successful enough
  • Good enough
  • Happy enough
  • Enough

Look back at the past 5 years of your life. Look at what you've accomplished.

How many of those accomplishments did you truly, whole- heartedly celebrate and show yourself appreciation for?

And did you ever think you'd be where you are today, 5 years ago?

The next challenge, target, goal will always be there, no matter how successful you are.

The true strength lies in the courage to show genuine appreciation towards your accomplishments without conditions or comparison.

Now take a moment, write down EVERYTHING you are proud of yourself for. Spend a while with yourself, and tell yourself how much you’re appreciated.

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You're not lazy or unmotivated,

you've been disconnected.

Time to take back control.


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